A downloadable game for Windows

Navigate your way through a mysterious world, gathering shards to unlock new transformative powers until you reach ascension.

A collaborative project for HomeTeam GameDev, co-led with Simon Hoffiz. Project developed from March 24, 2024 - August 25 2024, with contributions from:

Simon J Hoffiz

Project co-lead, main mechanics, lead level design, tower model and environment, flying and glide implementation, floating island, elevator, platforms, telekinesis, tuning, levitation highlight, splash screen fix

Tyler Funk

Project co-lead, core gameplay, player character, cloth sim, models (handholds, handcrafted mountains, tunnel, shard), climbing with hand IK, water, mantling, puzzle system, save system, triplaner environment material, rope bridge, grass with dynamic displacement and dither distance fade, post-processing settings

Christian Gabbianelli

Detail scatter tool, spline mesh tool, procedural mesh tool and related sample, cave region, lightweight test map, landscape updates

Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila

Environment textures (variety of plants) and model chunks (cliffs, rocks, sand, rock arch, slate block, pebbles), mesh generators (boulders, mountains), slippery ice, music integration, environment performance improvements

Luis Montaña

Stamina bar and related functionality (including drain), gliding unlock, shard collection UI updates, flapping noise integration

Alan Zaring

Main level music

Dylan Peck

Footsteps linked to ground material, spline mesh actor rendering, shard pickup visual effect, grab input, main menu button hookups (continue, restart) and improvements (hover and confirmation), main menu music integrated

Andy Sen

Level unlock system

Barış Köklü

Camera adjusts during glide

Published 19 days ago
Tags3D, climbing, Flying, Singleplayer, Unreal Engine


ascend-win-64.zip 674 MB
Version 2 19 days ago

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